Bigfoot Footprints & Bent Trees: A Researcher's Findings and Trail Cam Setup
Posted Thursday, August 22, 2024
By staff
Have you ever wondered if Bigfoot is a myth, legend, hoax, or a real flesh and blood creature? Many reported sightings of Bigfoot can't be explained away as misidentified animals, and it's worth considering that there may be some truth to the stories. One researcher, who goes by the YouTube channel name algabigfootresearchgroup, has been investigating Bigfoot for over 15 years and has had two separate sightings of a Bigfoot-type creature.
In a recent video, algabigfootresearchgroup takes us to a research area where he had camped the night before. He wanted to show us the trees that had been pushed over and the footprints he found in the area. As he walks along the shoreline, he points out several footprints and wonders if a Bigfoot had been ready for breakfast and tried to ambush a deer at the lake.
The researcher also shows us several trees that have been bent and broken over, some of which he believes were done by a Bigfoot. He explains that it would be difficult for a person to do this, and that deer and bears are not likely culprits. He also mentions that he has cast about 30 footprints in the past, but most footprints are either in water or not deep enough to make a good mold.
Towards the end of the video, algabigfootresearchgroup sets up trail cameras to capture any activity in the area. He explains that he sets the cameras to run automatically every 30 minutes and will come back in the morning to pick them up.
If you're interested in Bigfoot research, this video is definitely worth a watch. The researcher's enthusiasm and dedication to the subject are contagious, and it's fascinating to see the evidence he has collected over the years. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have definitive proof that Bigfoot is real!