Border Patrol's Encounter with a Mysterious 'Dog Man' and Suspected Bigfoot

Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a Dogman encounter on the US border has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't help but share it with you. The story comes from a border patrol agent who remains anonymous, and it's a chilling tale of an encounter that left him and his training officer shaken. According to the agent, they were driving through the desert near the Arizona-California border when they came across a turnaround point that was known to be a hot spot for immigrants and drug smugglers. As they were turning around, they noticed a dark, furry object in the distance. At first, they thought it was a wild animal, but as they got closer, they realized it was something else entirely. The officer described the creature as a giant man with a fur coat, but as it turned to face them, they saw that it had the head of a German Shepherd or a wolf, with amber-tinted eyes reflecting in the light. The Dogman stood up on its hind legs and was massive, much larger than any dog they had ever seen. As the Dogman approached the truck, the officer and his training officer were frozen in fear. The Dogman took a few steps towards them before the officer threw the truck in reverse and floored it, leaving the creature behind. When they returned to the station, the training officer warned him never to speak of the encounter again, telling him that there were things out in the desert that they didn't understand. This encounter is a fascinating addition to the many stories of mysterious creatures that have been reported near the US border. While some may dismiss it as a hoax or a misunderstanding, the agent's account is detailed and vivid, leaving little room for doubt in the minds of Bigfoot believers. As a researcher, I'm always interested in hearing new accounts of encounters with mysterious creatures. While this particular encounter didn't involve Bigfoot, it's still a thrilling tale that highlights the many mysteries that still exist in our world. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the video on YouTube and let us know what you think.