Sasquatch Guardians: Ancient Egyptian Artifacts in North American Caves
Posted Sunday, August 18, 2024
By staff
In a video recently shared on the Ontario Cryptids YouTube channel, a self-proclaimed Sasquatch contactee shares their experiences and telepathic communications with these elusive creatures. While the video covers a range of topics, one particularly intriguing revelation is the claim that Sasquatch may be in possession of ancient Egyptian scrolls.
According to the contactee, the Sasquatch people were given ancient Egyptian scrolls for safekeeping before the burning of the Library of Alexandria. These scrolls were initially taken to caves in Nova Scotia, and later to caves in Ontario. This information adds to the ongoing debate among historians and archaeologists about whether ancient Egyptians visited the Americas before Columbus.
The idea that Sasquatch may be in possession of ancient artifacts is a fascinating one, as it could have significant implications for our understanding of human history and the natural world. If true, this discovery would challenge the conventional narrative of ancient American civilization developing in isolation, and potentially shed light on the cultural and technological exchange between ancient civilizations.
Furthermore, the video touches on the possibility of Sasquatch having their own version of marriage, with unique rituals and traditions. The contactee describes a beautiful and serene ceremony taking place in a forest clearing, surrounded by the sounds of nature. This depiction adds a layer of depth and complexity to the Sasquatch culture, further humanizing these elusive creatures.
While the validity of the contactee's claims cannot be confirmed, the video is certainly thought-provoking and adds to the intrigue surrounding the Sasquatch phenomenon. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the full video on the Ontario Cryptids YouTube channel.