Unidentified Hair in Blue Mountains: A Bigfoot Enigma in Wala Wala

Posted Friday, August 16, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by Thom Cantrall has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Bigfoot of the Blues Chapter 7," discusses the presence of Bigfoot in the Blue Mountains and the evidence of its existence found in the area. The video highlights the 1982 Freeman close encounter, which brought Bigfoot into modern-day consciousness and made it a factor to be reckoned with in the Blue Mountains. Reports of sightings and thousands of tracks of not just one, but several Bigfoots have been recorded in the area. The video also discusses the discovery of hair in 1987, which was found near the site of Freeman's 1982 encounter. The hair was examined by WSU Anthropologist Grover CR, who stated that it could not be explained by any known animal in the area. The hair samples were also analyzed by the red Laboratories, which confirmed that the hair was different from any human or animal hair they had ever seen. The Bigfoot Group in Walla Walla, consisting of members like Roger Thor, Nelly Jackson, Wes and Swed Summerland, Paul Freeman, Dave Bean, and Thom Cantrall, has been keeping track of these reports and evidence. Wes Summerland, a legendary tracker and pack leader, has been particularly active in the group and has acquired a lot of knowledge about Bigfoot and the Blue Mountains. The video also touches on the impact of radio talk shows in spreading awareness about Bigfoot. Wes and Thom were guests on a Walla Walla radio station talk show, where they discussed Bigfoot at length. This led to a resident in the Blue Mountain Foothills calling in to verify the information discussed on the show. Overall, the video provides interesting insights into the presence of Bigfoot in the Blue Mountains and the evidence that has been found in the area. It is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon.