Jellyman Encounter: Exploring Woods with Pheromones & Glow Sticks

Posted Friday, August 16, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on YouTube by The CameraMan, viewers are taken on a night hunt for the elusive Jellyman, also known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch. The video, titled "Ohio Claim 3 bigfoot Night hunt," shows the team setting up 10 cameras with night vision and thermal imaging in a wooded area. The team is hoping to capture footage of the Jellyman, and they have covered the area with pheromones to attract the creature. They have also placed glow sticks, both broken and unbroken, as bait. As they walk through the woods, the team discusses their previous encounters with the Jellyman. One member describes seeing an apparition-like figure floating up and stopping in front of a camera. Another member talks about a time when something reached out and tried to grab a glow stick from his hand. Throughout the night, the team hears strange noises and sees shadows moving in the darkness. At one point, they hear what sounds like screaming. They also notice that some of the branches on the ground have been disturbed, as if something large and heavy has moved through the area. As they investigate, the team comes across a nesting area that has been torn up and destroyed. They are unsure what could have caused such damage, but they speculate that it may have been the work of a Jellyman. The video is a fascinating look at the efforts of Bigfoot researchers to gather evidence and learn more about these elusive creatures. While the team does not have any definitive proof of the Jellyman's existence in this particular video, they do capture some intriguing footage and sounds that will leave viewers wondering and wanting more. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, this video is definitely worth checking out. Who knows, you might just catch a glimpse of the Jellyman yourself.