Bigfoot Laws in the US: Protected or Hunted in Select States?

Posted Wednesday, August 14, 2024

By staff

The legal status of Bigfoot has long been a topic of interest for many in the Sasquatch community. A recent video from the YouTube channel Vincent Treewell explores this topic in-depth, discussing the various ways that Bigfoot is protected (or not protected) by law in different states. According to the video, the federal government does not have a specific legal status for Bigfoot, but state laws vary widely. Some states, like Texas, do not protect Bigfoot and it would be legal to hunt the creature if it were to exist. On the other hand, states like California, Oregon, and Idaho have laws that make it illegal to hunt Bigfoot. The video also discusses specific examples of Bigfoot-related laws, such as the Sasquatch Preservation Ordinance passed in Scania County, Washington in 1969. This ordinance made it illegal to kill or harm Bigfoot in the county. The video also touches on the question of whether Bigfoot should be considered a human or an animal. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, if Bigfoot is found to exist naturally in the state, it would be defined as a non-game mammal and protected by law. However, if it does not occur naturally in the state, it would not be protected. It's interesting to note that many states have Sasquatch crossing signs, which serve as both a tourist attraction and a reminder to drivers to be cautious on the roads. These signs can be found in states such as Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Overall, the video provides a fascinating look at the legal status of Bigfoot and how it varies from state to state. It's clear that the Sasquatch community will continue to advocate for the protection of this elusive and mysterious creature. If you're interested in learning more about the legal status of Bigfoot, be sure to check out the full video on the Vincent Treewell YouTube channel. And as always, keep an eye out for Sasquatch sightings and reports in your area.