Patrick's thrilling Bigfoot Evidence Hunt in the Woods

Posted Tuesday, August 13, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch And The Wild has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "Part 4 Camping With Mike of SIR, Video Evidence Included," the channel's host, Patrick, takes us on a journey through the woods, sharing his findings and experiences. Patrick starts off by showing us some footprints found near a large rip in a tree. He then moves on to show us an "X" made out of two live trees, which he believes is a form of communication between Sasquatches. He also shares his discovery of a log inside a tree, which he finds to be quite unusual. As they continue their journey, they come across more tree breaks, feces, and what appears to be a man-made TP structure. However, Patrick points out that not all structures found in the woods are built by Sasquatches, and this one in particular seems to be man-made. One of the most interesting finds in the video is a series of light structures, which Patrick believes to be a Sasquatch "Le." He also shows us what appears to be a footprint in the ground, and shares a video of a series of knocks he heard in the woods, which he believes to be a form of communication between Sasquatches. Towards the end of the video, Patrick and his companion, Mike, come across what appears to be a perfect spot for a Sasquatch to camp or sleep in. However, they also find some metal pieces nearby, which makes them question whether it is a man-made structure or not. Overall, the video is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot research and the experiences of those who dedicate their time to studying these elusive creatures. While some of the findings in the video may be open to interpretation, it is clear that Patrick and his team are passionate about their work and are dedicated to uncovering the truth about Bigfoot. As Bigfoot believers, we are always excited to see new evidence and experiences shared by those in the community. This video is no exception, and we encourage our readers to check it out for themselves and form their own opinions. Who knows, you may just spot something that Patrick and his team missed!