Renowned Treasure Hunter Reveals Bigfoot Secrets at Moonlake Gathering

Posted Monday, August 12, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot enthusiasts are in for a treat as renowned treasure hunter and Bigfoot researcher, Robert Krider, is set to reveal secrets about the elusive creature at the 2024 Moonlake Gathering. The free event, taking place on August 23rd and 24th at the Altimont City Park in Utah, promises to be a must-attend for those interested in cryptozoology, UFOs, and the unexplained. Krider, who has made significant contributions to the understanding of Bigfoot through his groundbreaking research and discoveries, will share his personal interactions with the creature and provide compelling evidence that challenges conventional wisdom. His no-holds-bar approach will expose cover-ups and controversies that have plagued the Bigfoot community for years. Known for his meticulous documentation and collection of evidence, Krider's work has been part of major university studies, bringing a level of academic scrutiny to a field often shrouded in mystery and skepticism. His upcoming presentation is expected to shed new light on one of the world's greatest mysteries. In addition to his encounters with Bigfoot, Krider will discuss the challenges he faced while gathering evidence, including dealing with unexpected obstacles within academic circles. His revelations about a "fox in the hen house" within major university studies will undoubtedly spark discussions and debates among attendees. The 2024 Moon Lake Gathering will feature a diverse lineup of guest speakers, breakout sessions, and activities, making it a must-attend free event for enthusiasts of treasure hunting, crypto zoology, UFOs, Spanish and Aztec treasures, and the unexplained. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with experts, participate in discussions, and explore various aspects of these fascinating fields. Don't miss the chance to hear from Robert Krider and other esteemed speakers at the 2024 Moon Lake Gathering. This free event promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with discovery, intrigue, and excitement. For more information about the 2024 Moon Lake Gathering, check out the link to the website in the video description. I am thrilled to share this exciting news with our readers. The opportunity to learn more about Bigfoot from a respected voice in the community is not one to be missed. I hope to see many of you at the 2024 Moon Lake Gathering!