Sasquatch Kumu, Rashanti, and Bobo: A Plea for Help and Understanding

Posted Sunday, August 11, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a Sasquatch contactee's experiences has been shared on the YouTube channel, Ontario Cryptids. In this multi-part series, the contactee, John, describes his telepathic interactions with the elusive beings. The fifth part of the series focuses on the telepathic words John received from the Sasquatch. According to John, the telepathic communication began in January 2018, during a frigid winter night. He suddenly felt a strong presence, and a low rumble voice, similar to thunder in the distance, resonated in his mind. The voice identified itself as Kamu, an elder Sasquatch. Kamu then introduced John to two other Sasquatch, Rashanti and Bobo, each with their distinct essence and aura. The names of the Sasquatch, Kamu, Rashanti, and Bobo, are analyzed in the video for possible cultural or linguistic connections. The names resemble those found in indigenous cultures of North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, where Sasquatch legends are prevalent. During the telepathic communication, John asked several questions, including why he was chosen, the population size of Sasquatch in North America, how Sasquatch differ from humans, and whether they were created or evolved. The answers to these questions provide a unique insight into the possible cultural or linguistic background of Sasquatch. One of the most significant messages from the Sasquatch was that they need humanity's help to survive the anthropocene extinction. They asked John to be an ambassador and share what he knows about them with his people. The Sasquatch also offered guidance on how to live a good life, emphasizing the importance of keeping thoughts pure and true, praying, meditating, eating good food, drinking good water, waking up early, working the body, washing clothes by hand, staying humble, calm, and focused, and being kind. The video also touches on the topic of female Sasquatch moving territory while males stay in the same area. This behavior is compared to several human societies and cultures where women typically move to their husband's villages or territories after marriage. The account shared in the video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Sasquatch and their possible cultural or linguistic connections. The video provides a unique perspective on the elusive beings and their message to humanity. It's an exciting addition to the field of cryptozoology and anthropology, and it's definitely worth a watch.