Jazz Musician Shares Friend's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter on Pacific Crest Trail
Posted Sunday, August 11, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're going to love this video I came across on Chuke's Outdoor Adventures YouTube channel. The video, titled "Sasquatch Harassing Hikers in the Pacific Northwest: Moose's Story as Told by Gourmet," features an interview with a hiker who goes by the trail name Gourmet.
Gourmet shares his friend Moose's encounter with a Sasquatch while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in Washington state. According to Moose, he heard guttural screams and huge knocks coming from different sides of him in the forest. Moose, who has spent years outside and has heard various animal sounds, knew that what he heard was not a bear, mountain lion, elk, or wolves. He was so spooked that he continued hiking all the way to Trout Lake instead of posting up for the night.
Gourmet also shares his own encounter with a Sasquatch while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail 15 miles north of Hearts Pass. He heard the same screams he had heard the previous year, but this time he was with another friend.
I find these stories fascinating. It's always exciting to hear about firsthand encounters with Sasquatch, especially from people who spend a lot of time outdoors. The Pacific Northwest is known to be a hot spot for Bigfoot sightings, and these stories add to the intrigue.
If you're interested in learning more about Moose and Gourmet's encounters, I encourage you to watch the video on Chuke's Outdoor Adventures YouTube channel. It's always exciting to hear about new Sasquatch sightings and encounters, and this video is no exception. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the story of Moose and Gourmet's encounter with a Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest.