Man on ATV: The Bigfoot appeared to straighten out its right arm toward me
Posted Tuesday, February 11, 2020
By staff
I went camping and fishing to the Birch creek area off of Hwy 28 in Clark County. We crossed the creek and set up camp at the trail head in Eight Mile Canyon. There is an ATV trail system that loops up the canyon and around the mountain range.
One evening we decided to go up the canyon to the southwest and explore a bit before dark. We found a lightly used trail that went into a dark canyon. We suspected it went to a dead end but we went up the trail to look around. The trail went through a dark canyon that seemed to have thicker vegetation then the main Eight Mile Canyon. I remember noticing that there was a lot of dead fall.
We got to the end of the canyon trail that was about two miles in and came to a very scenic view of towering shell rock cliffs and bowls. We realized that it was slowly starting to get darker so we decided to head back to camp.
As we rode down the trail I stayed about 50 yards behind my friend. It was getting dark enough that the head lights on our ATV’s were illuminating the trail and passing trees but still enough light in the sky so you could look around and see hill sides and clearings. Being a hunter I was looking for big game as I traveled. At one spot the trail started to angle to the right. As my friend made the curve I remembering observing what I though was a weird stump or log off the trail to the left. It seemed about four feet tall and I thought I don’t remember seeing it there on our way in a couple hours ago. Just after he went by it stood up. This thing was facing away from me and looking toward my friend as he drove away.
I was too close to do anything other than stay my course and go by. As I started going by I leaned away from it to my right. It looked over toward me over its right shoulder. It then appeared to straighten out its right arm toward me. I ducked my head and accelerated up the trail. I don’t feel that it was trying to harm me even though I was extremely frightened at the time.
I estimated the being to be about 8 feet tall judging from the height judging from my height on the ATV at the time in relation to its arm height. It had no clothing. It was covered in dark hair from the top of its head down. I noticed it had dark skin on its face and yellowish eyes. The right hand was similar to a humans with fingers and a thumb, all dark in color.
I remember smelling an odor similar to an elk in the rut but with a stronger scent.
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