Bigfoot Trail Cameras: Unearthing Fall Forest Mysteries in Indian Heaven Wilderness
Posted Saturday, August 10, 2024
By staff
A few days ago, I stumbled upon an interesting video on YouTube, posted by the channel Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Search. The video, titled "Return to Hidden Lake - August 2024," follows a group of researchers as they venture into the Indian Heaven Wilderness in search of evidence related to a previous encounter with an unknown bipedal creature.
The team begins their hike, following an overgrown logging road from the 1980s. The path is believed to have been used by the mysterious creatures that had stumbled upon Kelly and Mike's campsite back in July 2020. The weather was pleasant, and the wilderness showed ample signs of wildlife, including elk, deer, possible bear, canine, and possibly mountain lion tracks.
As they venture deeper into the backcountry, they locate a trail camera they had set up during their trip with The Oregonian news team. They check the camera and find that it has captured over 1,500 videos since June 19th. They swap the batteries and continue their journey.
The researchers press further up the abandoned road, moving deeper into the wilderness. They discuss the overgrowth that has occurred since their last visit in June and the changes in the road conditions.
One of the team members notices a glowing object in the distance. They shine their headlamp, which is designed for predator hunting and nocturnal animals' eyes, on the object. The glowing object appears to move, and the team becomes excited, hoping to have found evidence of the mysterious creatures they are searching for.
Unfortunately, the object turns out to be a piece of reflective tape. The team is disappointed but remains hopeful that their trail cameras will capture evidence of the unknown bipedal creatures. They plan to return in October to retrieve the SD cards from the cameras and continue their search.
While this particular video didn't yield any concrete evidence, it's always exciting to follow along with researchers as they investigate possible Bigfoot sightings and encounters. The video serves as a reminder that the search for Bigfoot is ongoing, and each new piece of evidence brings us one step closer to the truth.
If you're interested in watching the video, you can find it on the Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Search YouTube channel. And, as always, if you have any Bigfoot sightings or encounters to report, please don't hesitate to share them with us here at Squatchable.