East Texas Residents Share Real-Life Bigfoot Encounters: Join the Search

Posted Monday, August 05, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video from the YouTube channel Curious Conundrums Mysteries Unveiled has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Shocking Bigfoot Encounters: Texas Residents Reveal Unbelievable Hidden Stories!", features residents of East Texas who claim to have had encounters with the elusive creature. One of the residents, JC Carlson, is a towering man at nearly 7 feet tall. He and his wife have heard the raspy nocturnal howls that are commonly associated with Bigfoot. They believe that an unclassified primate is roaming the woodlands and Creek bottoms near their home. Katherine Carlson, JC's wife, had a particularly eerie encounter one night. She was driving home and stopped to open a gate when she noticed an overpowering foul odor. It wasn't a skunk, she said, but something rancid, like getting behind a garbage truck in the summer. Although she didn't see a Bigfoot, she sensed a lurking presence that left her speechless. The couple lives near the dark waters and moss-draped cypresses of Caddo Lake, where the 1976 film "The creature from Black Lake" was filmed. An alligator that lived near their place disappeared, and their cows and goats stopped grazing in the woods at night, huddling instead near the house under the glow of a mercury vapor light. When Katherine smelled the strange odor, she did the only thing she knew to do: she called Charlie D'Or, a researcher with the Texas Bigfoot Research Center (TBRC). The TBRC is a network of about 40 people from all walks of life who are dedicated to finding Sasquatch in the Lone Star State. D'Or joined the group after a mysterious incident five years ago when he had what he calls "the stink put on him" while walking through the woods. He now believes that the smell was that of some yet undocumented species of bipedal hominoid. The video is a fascinating look into the world of Bigfoot research and the experiences of those who have encountered the elusive creature. While some may be skeptical, there is no denying the passion and dedication of those who are committed to finding the truth about Bigfoot. If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot sightings in Texas, be sure to check out the TBRC's website and phone number, which are provided in the video. And of course, be sure to watch the video for yourself and draw your own conclusions about the existence of Bigfoot.