Exploring Muskeg and Bigfoot: A Teepee, Wood Knocks, and Mystery

Posted Saturday, August 03, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on YouTube, a researcher takes us on an exciting journey through a Blueberry Patch that is believed to be used by Bigfoot. The researcher, who goes by the name Swan Lake Bigfoot, is known for their extensive knowledge and experience in the field of Bigfoot research. As they walk through the patch, they point out various types of berries, including chipmunk berries and raspberries, and discuss the importance of muskegs as natural water filters. They also mention hearing wood knocks and whistles, which they believe to be communication attempts from Bigfoot. One of the most intriguing parts of the video is when the researcher shows us a large Tepee structure that appears to have been built by Bigfoot. They mention that this structure was not present in the patch the last time they visited, and that it seems to be getting bigger as Bigfoot adds to it. As they explore further, they come across more evidence of Bigfoot activity, including what appears to be a bedding area and a plant used for medicinal purposes. They also mention seeing something moving in the distance, but are unable to get a closer look. Throughout the video, the researcher remains respectful and open-minded about the possibility of Bigfoot's existence. They encourage viewers to keep an open mind and to pay attention to the signs and evidence that can be found in nature. As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I highly recommend checking out this video for yourself. It's a fascinating look into the world of Bigfoot research and the evidence that can be found in the wild. Who knows, you might just spot something yourself!