Mysterious Gremlin-Like Creature Sighted in Oakdale Woods: Exclusive Insight
Posted Saturday, August 03, 2024
By staff
In a video posted to the YouTube channel Tattooed Biker Unexplained, viewers share their unsettling encounters with mysterious creatures. The video, titled "BEWARE: Strange Unidentified Creatures Are Out There | 4 True Stories," is a compilation of four firsthand accounts of run-ins with unknown entities.
The first story comes from Kelly, who lives in Oakdale, Connecticut. One night, while smoking a cigarette on her back porch, Kelly noticed her dog acting strangely. She then heard rustling noises and caught a glimpse of a 2-3 foot tall creature with red eyes and a gremlin-like head. The creature disappeared before her eyes, leaving Kelly and her dog shaken. Kelly also mentioned feeling watched since moving into her home, which is located near a lake and an abandoned Boy Scout camp.
Another account in the video is from a viewer in the Czech Republic who prefers to remain anonymous. They describe observing a large, red, glowing bird-like creature near the Voda River. The human-bird hybrid had a wingspan resembling a flying fox and moved without flapping its wings. The witness was able to observe the creature for several minutes before it vanished.
The third story is from a viewer in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, who encountered a strange creature in the woods behind their house. The witness describes the creature as having a "humanoid shape" and moving in a way that was not quite human nor animal.
Lastly, a viewer from Michigan shares their experience of finding large, barefoot prints in the snow outside their home. The prints measured 17 inches long and had a stride of 4 feet, leaving the witness to wonder what kind of creature could have made them.
These stories, shared by everyday people, offer a glimpse into the mysterious world of unknown creatures and serve as a reminder that there is still much to learn about the world around us. If you're interested in watching the full video, you can find it on the Tattooed Biker Unexplained YouTube channel.