Bigfoot Hunter Recounts Tales of Mysterious Lights, Aggressive Sasquatches, and UFOs

Posted Friday, August 02, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from Ghost Boat Adventures, YouTube channel, Jordan D. Wilson, a Bigfoot hunter and Medicine Man, shares some chilling stories of encounters with the legendary creature. The video, titled "It Wanted To Feed Orbs UFOs Bigfoot Dead Dogs Disappearances," explores various accounts of interactions with Sasquatch, some of which are positive, while others are downright terrifying. Jordan starts by sharing an episode of "Unexplained 911" where a police officer recounts a strange incident involving Sasquatch. According to the officer, strange lights and orbs were seen in a remote area, followed by the appearance of a Bigfoot that killed the old man's dog. The man then disappeared, and when he returned, a new person was living in his house, with no recollection of what had happened to the previous owner. Another story Jordan shares is about three Native Indian men who went to set up a trapper cabin for their grandfather. They heard banging and scratching outside and on the roof of the cabin. When two of the men went outside to investigate, they were attacked by Sasquatch, and one of them was killed and eaten. The third man managed to escape by running away as fast as he could. Jordan also talks about his personal experiences with Sasquatch. He shares an incident where he saw what he believes to be the hair of a large upright creature blowing in the wind. He also talks about how some Sasquatch are good, while others are cannibals. He notes that further north, the encounters are more aggressive, with abductions of children and women being reported. The video also touches on the topic of UFOs and orbs being associated with Sasquatch sightings. A native lady is interviewed, who talks about the connection between the two. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. The stories shared in the video are both fascinating and terrifying, and it's intriguing to hear about the different experiences people have had with Sasquatch. Whether you're a Bigfoot believer or just curious about the creature, this video is definitely worth a watch.