Sasquatch Conference Organizer Shares Personal Encounters and Beliefs
Posted Friday, August 02, 2024
By staff
A new video has recently caught my attention and I just had to share it with all of you fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! The video features an interview with Sheldon Quewezance, a Sasquatch enthusiast who shares his thoughts on the mysterious creature and its place in British Columbia culture.
Quewezance expresses his belief that the fascination with Sasquatch stems from people's love of mysteries and the unknown. He notes that the lore of Sasquatch is deeply ingrained in the culture of British Columbia and has been for centuries. He also mentions that stories of large, hairy, bipedal beings are not unique to North America, but are found all around the world.
When asked about what Sasquatch actually is, Quewezance admits that he doesn't have a definite answer. However, he shares his theory that Sasquatch may be a remnant of a species of humanoids that lived on the planet before the younger dryas, around 12,000 years ago. He finds it fascinating that this species has figured out how to survive without humans and away from them.
Quewezance also shares his personal experiences with Sasquatch, including a visual sighting in 2018 and several non-visual experiences such as rocks and mud being thrown at him and his group, being yelled at, and hearing howls. He estimates that there are at least 100 Sasquatch in the Nicola Valley area alone.
One of the most interesting points Quewezance makes is about the stigma surrounding Sasquatch sightings. He notes that people are often hesitant to talk about their experiences due to fear of being ridiculed or not believed. He hopes to help eliminate this stigma through the conference he organizes and encourages non-believers to keep an open mind and listen to the experiences of those who have encountered Sasquatch.
I don't know about you, but I found this video to be incredibly fascinating and it really got me thinking about the mystery of Sasquatch. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself and forming your own opinions on the subject. Who knows, maybe it will even inspire you to share your own Sasquatch experiences!
Excitement level: 7/10. I found this interview to be incredibly interesting and it really got me thinking about the mystery of Sasquatch. The personal experiences shared by Quewezance and his theory about the origins of Sasquatch are definitely food for thought. I can't wait to hear what all of you think about this video!