Yosemite Bigfoot Tales: Loggers' Secrets & Native American Traditions
Posted Tuesday, July 30, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by Jacob Zappey has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. In the video, Zappey shares some fascinating Sasquatch stories he encountered during his travels to Yosemite. I'm thrilled to share these stories with our readers.
During his visit to Yosemite, Zappey met an old-timer in a gift shop who shared his experiences working for a logging company in the Sierra Nevada. The old-timer claimed that the company would drag chains on log roads to cover up any Bigfoot footprints or evidence in areas where workers reported Sasquatch sightings. He also mentioned that both the logging companies and the national park were aware of Bigfoot's existence and made efforts to keep people out of certain areas where Bigfoot might be present.
Zappey's mother also shared a story she heard from a Bigfoot researcher in her area. The researcher believed that Bigfoots were present in the area all the time for seasonal food, and it was challenging to get permits to explore those areas during berry season or salmon runs. The researcher also shared a story about a hiker who died under mysterious circumstances in Yosemite, with no apparent claw marks or bite marks on his body.
These stories are intriguing and add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that Bigfoot may indeed exist. While we cannot confirm these stories' authenticity, they are worth sharing and discussing within the Bigfoot community.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts and opinions with us. As Bigfoot believers, it's essential to stay open-minded and consider all possible evidence and stories that may shed light on the existence of these elusive creatures.
Happy Squatching!