Hikers Encounter Bear Cub in 'Squatchy' Peni Wilderness

Posted Monday, July 29, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Have you ever heard of the Bonds, a series of peaks located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire? Well, if you're a hiking enthusiast, you've probably heard of it. But what if I told you that this area is also known for its strange and unexplained encounters? That's right, the Bonds are not only a hiker's paradise, but also a hotspot for those seeking the unknown. Recently, I came across a video from the YouTube channel Brian and Chewie Go Hiking, where they revisited their strange encounter on the Bonds. The video starts off with Brian and Chewie, along with their third wheel Mike, embarking on a two-day hike to stealth camp on the Bonds. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking, with lush greenery, crystal clear waters, and epic views. As they make their way through the trail, they come across a suspension bridge that connects to the Pemigewasset Wilderness. Brian mentions how this area is known for its squatchy activity, with 13 peaks surrounding it and a spiderweb of trails that lead to the Pemigewasset River. But things take a turn when they encounter a bear cub on the trail. Brian quickly latches up Chewie and they hope to see the cub, but not the mama bear. They continue on their hike, keeping an eye out for any signs of wildlife. As they make their way up the trail, Brian mentions how they're getting back into the open and starting to gain some elevation. Chewy, being the mountain goat that he is, is always ahead of Brian. They finally reach a nice, cool camping spot, where they rest and refill their water bottles. As they continue on their hike, Brian mentions how it's been pretty quiet, but they've been loud talking. But as they make their way up the toughest part of the trail, they hear something. Brian mentions how Chewy is sniffing and smells something. They keep their eyes peeled for any signs of the bear, but none appear. After a grueling climb, they finally make it to the top of Bond Cliff, where they're greeted with epic views. They pick up another person on the way, and make their way down Bon Cliff. As they make their way down, Brian mentions how they're definitely not the only ones to use this spot. As they set up camp for the night, Brian mentions how they found a weird thing last night when they were setting up. Someone had cut and hung something there. He doesn't know if it means anything, but it's definitely not the only one to use this spot. The next day, they make their way to the GU campsite, where they water up. Brian mentions how he had a bonehead move the day before, where he forgot to close his bladder and spilled a liter of water into his tent. As they make their way across the ridgeline, they encounter some rocky terrain, but eventually make it to South Twin. They descend South Twin to Galehead Hut, where they have lunch and take in the epic views. Overall, this video is a must-watch for any hiking or Bigfoot enthusiast. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking, and the strange encounter adds an element of intrigue. Who knows, maybe you'll encounter something strange on your next hike.