Sasquatch in the Wild: X-Trees, Hidden Resources, and a 2016 Encounter

Posted Monday, July 29, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on the YouTube channel "Sasquatch and the Wild" has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Slideshow Part 4: camp outing with Jim, Possible Sasquatch Art Found finger painted," features a series of photographs taken during a camping trip in Colorado. The video begins with a tree break, which the uploader notes is not very tall and only about a foot and a half in height. The tree appears to have been broken in the middle, with the branches removed. The uploader mentions that this type of tree break is often found in the presence of Sasquatch activity. As the video continues, the uploader shares photographs of an X-shaped tree structure, which they believe was created by Sasquatch. The X is made up of two trees, one of which was brought in and placed next to the other. The uploader notes that X-shaped structures are often found in areas with abundant food sources, and speculates that this one may indicate the presence of a food source nearby. The video also features photographs of a tree break with two branches, one going across the top of a log and the other going under it. The uploader notes that this is an unusual configuration, and wonders what could have caused it. Towards the end of the video, the uploader shares photographs of what they believe to be Sasquatch art. The art appears to be finger painted on a rock, and features a series of lines and shapes. The uploader notes that this is the first time they have found what they believe to be Sasquatch art, and are excited to share it with the Bigfoot community. Overall, the video is an interesting addition to the world of Bigfoot research. While it does not provide definitive proof of the existence of Sasquatch, it does offer some intriguing food for thought for those interested in the subject. As with any Bigfoot-related content, it is always best to approach it with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. For those interested in seeing the video for themselves, it can be found on the "Sasquatch and the Wild" YouTube channel. As always, happy squatching!