Tennessee Woman's Bigfoot Encounter: Strange Whistles and Light-Absorbing Creature

Posted Saturday, July 27, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new and intriguing first-hand account of possible Bigfoot activity has been shared on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Society. The witness, Carrie, describes her experiences growing up in a mountainous area near the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. At first, she didn't believe in the existence of Bigfoot, but after moving to a remote area in Middle Tennessee, she began to notice strange occurrences. Carrie's first encounter with what she believes to be a Bigfoot happened just a few weeks after moving into her new home. She was awakened in the middle of the night by an overwhelming feeling of dread and anxiety. She looked out her back door and saw a bear near a creek on her property. But as she shined her flashlight on the animal, she noticed something unusual. The light seemed to be absorbed by the bear's body, and she realized that it was not a bear at all. Carrie also noticed that metal pieces of her husband's car were being pulled off and strange whistles were heard in the woods near her home. She describes the whistles as sounding like something you would hear in the Amazon jungle. Despite the strange occurrences, Carrie didn't make the connection to Bigfoot until she heard a previous episode of the Bigfoot Society podcast featuring a witness named Harley, who also had experiences in the same area. Carrie's story is a fascinating addition to the many accounts of Bigfoot sightings and experiences. It's always exciting to hear new first-hand accounts of possible Bigfoot activity. If you're interested in hearing more about Carrie's experiences, be sure to check out the full video on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable! Note: I encourage readers to do their own research and come to their own conclusions about the existence of Bigfoot. The video and my article are meant to provide information and spark curiosity about the topic.