A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Alasquatch has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Camping Again: Beans Gets Wet and Chuke Goes Woo," features hosts Beans Baer and Chuke exploring Hatcher Pass in Alaska, hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive Sasquatch.
Beans and Chuke share their experiences from the previous night, which was relatively quiet, but they did notice a drop in temperature due to their high elevation. They also share their plans for the day, which include fishing and exploring the area for any signs of Bigfoot.
One of the highlights of the video is when Beans decides to try a psychic approach to calling in Bigfoot. He explains that he has a master's degree in spiritual transformational psychology and has studied under Dr. Waterman, who focused on remote viewing and astral projection. Beans then proceeds to do a progressive muscle relaxation exercise, attempting to enter a state of sensory deprivation and visualize protection around himself. He then calls out to any Bigfoot in the area, hoping to pick up any changes on the EMF meter.
While Beans does not pick up any changes on the EMF meter, he does share an interesting visualization. He describes seeing a brown furry creature with a lightish tan face, which he believes to be a Bigfoot. Beans and Chuke decide to try calling out to Bigfoot again later in the night to see if they can pick up any more readings on the EMF meter.
The video is not only informative but also entertaining, as Beans and Chuke share their personalities and experiences with the audience. It's always exciting to see new approaches to Bigfoot research, and the psychic approach in this video is certainly intriguing.
If you're interested in watching the video, you can find it on the Alasquatch YouTube channel. Who knows, maybe you'll pick up on something that Beans and Chuke missed!