Lifeguard's Encounter with 8-Foot Tall Bigfoot in Crystal Springs, 1972
Posted Friday, July 26, 2024
By staff
A new audio documentary has been released by the YouTube channel Bigfoot Society, featuring a collection of live encounter calls from their Tik Tok live streams. One particularly intriguing account comes from a witness named Jemiah, who had a sighting in Crystal Springs, Florida, back in 1972.
Jemiah, who was 17 years old at the time, was a lifeguard in the area. While hanging out with friends by the river, they noticed a foul smell, similar to skunk cabbage. Suddenly, Jemiah saw a figure with long red hair peering at them from behind a tree. Her friends initially dismissed it, but when Jemiah insisted they look, they saw the creature as well.
The being was about 8 to 9 feet tall, with long reddish-brown hair covering its face, making it difficult to see any distinct features. Jemiah described its eyes as deep-set and a dark chocolate brown color, with a yellowish tint around the pupils. The creature's nose and eyes appeared to have a sheen to them, almost as if it was applying some sort of coating.
When the creature noticed they had been spotted, it stepped back, turned, and ran away. Jemiah mentioned that the creature's run was not like a human's, but more of a powerful, long stride. The witness estimated that the Sasquatch covered about 20 feet with just two steps.
Crystal Springs, Florida, is interestingly close to the Green Swamp, an area known for Bigfoot activity. This sighting adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the presence of these elusive creatures in the region.
The full audio documentary is available on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel, where you can hear more captivating encounters and witness accounts. Make sure to check out their Tik Tok account as well for live encounter calls and updates on their latest findings.
As a Bigfoot enthusiast, it's always exciting to come across new witness accounts and firsthand experiences. This particular encounter in Crystal Springs, Florida, offers valuable insights into the appearance and behavior of these mysterious creatures. Keep your eyes and ears open, as you never know when you might stumble upon your next Sasquatch sighting!