Military Veteran's Peaceful Encounter with a Juvenile Sasquatch on Cville National Forest Trail

Posted Thursday, July 25, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been making the rounds on YouTube. The video, posted by the channel Bigfoot Outlaw, features an interview with Jason Brad Miller, a family man and outdoors enthusiast from Northeast Washington. Miller describes a hike he took with his family on August 31, 2013, in Hoodoo Canyon, Ferry County, Washington. As they made their way up the trail, they heard loud noises coming from across the canyon. Miller initially dismissed them as moose or cattle, but as the noises continued and something followed them up the trail, he began to suspect that they might be dealing with something more mysterious. The real excitement came when Miller's son climbed up to a lookout point and reported seeing a "scruffy looking dude" staring down at him. Miller's daughter also saw the figure, describing it as a "Sasquatch." As they made their way back down the trail, Miller's daughter spotted a juvenile Sasquatch hiding in a patch of huckleberries. Miller and his daughter approached the creature, which remained calm and peaceful during the encounter. This is definitely a video that Sasquatch believers will want to check out. The