Rick's Bigfoot Encounters: Real Stories from Oregon, Montana, and Yellowstone
Posted Sunday, July 21, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
Bigfoot sightings have been reported in various parts of the world, but the majority of these incidents occur in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and Canada. Recently, I came across a video on YouTube that features a gentleman named Rick, who shared his experiences and stories about Bigfoot encounters in Oregon.
Rick, who has lived in Oregon his whole life, has always been fascinated by the topic of Bigfoot, particularly after watching the Patterson-Gimlin film. Although he has not had any personal encounters with Bigfoot, he has met several people over the years who have shared their stories with him.
In the video, Rick shares several miscellaneous stories from different regions, including Montana, Yellowstone National Park, and the Orton Coast selet River. One of the stories he shared was about his brother's friend, Jeff, who saw a large black figure turn and walk back into the timber while on a day hike in Lincoln, Montana in the late 80s. There had been several Bigfoot sightings and activity in the area at the time.
Another story Rick shared was about a friend of his who saw a tall black figure cross the road in front of their car while driving along the CET River in the early 70s. Rick also mentioned that Yellowstone National Park has a history of Bigfoot sightings, with several reported incidents over the years.
While Rick is not a researcher, he spends a lot of time in the woods hunting and fishing and has a lot of trail cameras placed in the mountains. He has no groundbreaking evidence to present, but he has collected several interesting stories from different regions that he believes add more pieces to the Bigfoot puzzle.
Overall, Rick's stories are fascinating and add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that Bigfoot exists. It's always exciting to hear about new sightings and encounters, and Rick's stories are no exception. If you're interested in learning more about Rick's experiences and stories, be sure to check out the video on YouTube.