Jon's Transformative Encounters: Sasquatch, Timberwolf, and a Forest Man's Warning
Posted Sunday, July 21, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the Ontario Cryptids YouTube channel. In the video, titled "Experiences Of A Sasquatch Contactee - Part 2," the witness recounts their experience from November 2013 at East Tommy Lake in Hastings County, Ontario.
The witness was camping with their younger brother Mike and his dog Elvis. While fishing, the witness heard a long, thunderous, and blood-curdling scream echoing from the shoreline. They assumed it was their brother celebrating a caught fish, but Mike had been gathering firewood in the opposite direction.
Later that night, after dinner, the witness saw two yellow glowing eyes 6 feet off the ground, staring back at them. As they locked eyes with the being, they realized it was a Sasquatch. The creature was about 6 feet tall, with 3-4 inch long hair reflecting and refracting the light from the witness' headlamp.
The witness also heard two strange voices speaking a language they had never heard before. They seemed to be discussing something on a ridge to the east near a small marsh. The witness' missing glow stick was being shaken and played with, and when they called their brother to come outside, the voices stopped, and the glow stick disappeared.
The witness had previously encountered Sasquatch telepathy during a 2012 experience but was unsure of how to share their encounter without being perceived as having lost their mind. The witness also notes that some First Nation tribes of North America believe Sasquatch can turn invisible at will.
The video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast, and the witness's account is both intriguing and captivating. The