1888 Diary Entry: Sasquatch as Alien Intervention or Interdimensional Being?

Posted Saturday, July 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of a possible encounter between Native Americans and a group of beings that they called "crazy bears" has recently come to light. The story, which is told in a private diary that was kept by a white man living among the Indians in the Rocky Mountains in 1888, describes how these creatures were seen emerging from a small moon-like craft and interacting with the natives. According to the diary, the Indians believed that the crazy bears would bring them powerful medicine and that they should feed, cherish, and protect them. The creatures were described as powerfully built, naked, and covered all over with smooth dark hair, except around the eyes and on the hands and feet. They were seen living in a cave or burrow as a family group, with rough mattresses or beds but no other property. The account is particularly interesting because of its early date. Many Bigfoot sightings and encounters have been reported in more recent times, but this one from 1888 is a rare and valuable addition to the body of evidence supporting the existence of these elusive creatures. The diary also raises the possibility that the crazy bears, or Bigfoot as they are commonly known, may have some kind of connection to extraterrestrial beings. The description of a small moon-like craft and the beings emerging from it is reminiscent of UFO sightings and abduction reports. Some researchers have suggested that Bigfoot may be a genetic experiment or a hybrid creature created by extraterrestrial beings. While this is just one account and more evidence is needed to support the theory, it is an intriguing possibility that is worth further investigation. The diary provides a unique insight into the world of the Native Americans and their beliefs about the crazy bears, and it is a valuable addition to the study of Bigfoot and their possible origins. If you are interested in learning more about this fascinating account, you can watch the full video on the YouTube channel MindShock. And as always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and to consider all possible explanations for the existence of Bigfoot.