Hamburglar" Creature and Gigantopithecus-like Skull: New Bigfoot Evidence Unveiled in High Frame Rate Footage

Posted Friday, July 19, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Crypto Reality, viewers are taken on a fascinating journey through the world of cryptids and unidentified creatures. The video, titled "The Creatures That Cannot Be Seen- So They Don't Exist? | Learn To See But Not On Youtube," showcases a variety of mysterious beings caught on film, each more intriguing than the last. One of the creatures featured in the video is a being the channel has dubbed the "Hamburglar." This creature has a distinct appearance, with a chromatic skin that seems to blend and change color. The video shows the Hamburglar putting its hand up to its face, revealing individual fingers. This behavior is recognized as a characteristic of the species, making the sighting even more compelling. Another creature captured on film appears to have the skull of what many believe to be the extinct gigantopithecus. This ape-like being has a sagittal crest and huge brow ridges, making it a truly remarkable sight. The video also shows that this creature often hangs out with regular Sasquatch, further adding to the intrigue. One of the most interesting aspects of the video is the discussion of how the human eye perceives depth and movement. The video shows that slowing down footage allows for a clearer view of what's happening, and that shooting in high frame rates or high-speed cameras would be ideal for capturing creatures clearly. I am always excited to see new footage and learn more about these elusive creatures. The Crypto Reality video is a prime example of the kind of content that keeps me engaged and curious about the world of cryptids. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself and forming your own opinions on the creatures that cannot be seen.