Bigfoot Researcher Claimed Accepted into Sasquatch Clan after Home Visitation
Posted Thursday, July 18, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Bigfoot Outlaw, host Tim and his guests discuss the idea of Bigfoot following you home after an encounter. According to Tim, if Bigfoot accepts you into their "Clan," they will come to your surrounding area and even your home. He shares a report from a member of the Ohio Bigfoot Researchers who has been experiencing strange occurrences near his home after a camping trip where he had encounters with Bigfoot.
Tim goes on to explain that Bigfoot communicates and keeps tabs on those who have been accepted into their Clan, even across state lines. He believes that once one Clan knows you, all Clans will know you. This is the case for a man who moved 550 miles from East Texas to a home near Amarillo and has been constantly having items left on his porch.
Tim also discusses the idea of Bigfoot's territory and how they may rotate or migrate areas within that territory depending on their needs. He has heard of people who think their research area is far enough out of the territory, but in reality, it falls within their territory.
It's good to note that Tim and his guests believe that Bigfoot is not an animal or beast, but a being with its own culture and society. They emphasize the importance of respecting Bigfoot and their territory.
If you're interested in learning more about this topic and hearing firsthand accounts of Bigfoot encounters, be sure to check out the full video on the Bigfoot Outlaw YouTube channel. And as always, remember to respect Bigfoot and their territory.