Bigfoot Encounter in Colton, Oregon: Share Your Sightings Now

Posted Wednesday, July 17, 2024

By staff

A new collection of live caller encounters has been shared on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel, and it's definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The video, titled "ENCOUNTERPALOOZA 1 (Member's Only)" features callers from all over the world sharing their own personal Bigfoot sightings and experiences. One particularly interesting encounter was shared by a caller from Colton, Oregon. He described a sighting he had while bow hunting in the 90s. He was sitting in the bushes, fully camouflaged and using cover scent, when he heard loud crashing noises coming down the mountain towards him. He turned around and saw a large, hairy figure standing on the trail just 20 yards in front of him. The figure had a very large head and wide shoulders, but the caller couldn't make out any specific facial features. He described it as a "black outline of a giant person." The caller went on to say that he didn't feel any fear during the encounter, just a "blank moment" of confusion. He also mentioned that there have been several other sightings in the same area over the years, including one just a year ago of a 12 foot tall Bigfoot standing near the road. Another caller shared an experience of a Bigfoot walking alongside a tow truck, looking in the driver's side window as it drove down a dirt road. The caller's neighbor, who was driving the tow truck, was so scared that he never returned to pick up his granddaughter again. The Bigfoot Society also mentioned that they have heard of aggressive Bigfoot encounters in other areas, such as Estacada, where people have gone missing and their cars have been found abandoned with the doors open. It's always exciting to hear about new Bigfoot sightings and experiences, and the Bigfoot Society's "ENCOUNTERPALOOZA 1 (Member's Only)" video is a great resource for anyone interested in the subject. If you're not already a member, you can become one by going to or by becoming a tier 2 member on the YouTube channel. Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear firsthand accounts of Bigfoot encounters from people all over the world. it's always fascinating to hear about new sightings and experiences. The Bigfoot Society's "ENCOUNTERPALOOZA 1 (Member's Only)" video is a great addition to the wealth of information out there about these elusive creatures. It's good to keep an open mind and to listen to the stories of those who have had firsthand encounters. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own Bigfoot sighting to share.