Squatch Mom and Dog Discover Mysterious Cave on Bigfoot Trail

Posted Saturday, July 13, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Sasquatch Mom, Sam and SquatchMom set out on an adventure to explore Manchester Creek. SquatchMom shares that she and Travis had to leave their other companions, Caspian and Travis, behind due to an injury Caspian sustained. The pair ventures into the woods, with Sam leading the way, and come across a blown-down tree. As they continue their hike, SquatchMom mentions a possible Bigfoot sighting at Castle W Canyon and notes that the area is too open and crowded for her liking. They eventually make it to the top of a hill and take in the beautiful view before continuing on their journey. Throughout the video, SquatchMom and Sam discuss various topics related to Bigfoot, such as how people often don't look for the creatures in the forest and how they blend in with their surroundings. They also mention Dr. Jeff Meldrum, a well-known expert in the field of Bigfoot research. As they explore, SquatchMom and Sam come across a break in a branch and discuss whether it could be the result of Bigfoot activity. They also discover a hole in the ground and speculate that it could be a cave. Towards the end of the video, SquatchMom shows off some new "accoutrements" she acquired on a recent trip to Texas, including a hat, backpack, and canteen. Overall, the video is an interesting glimpse into the world of Bigfoot research and the adventures of Sasquatch Mom and her companions. Be sure to check out the full video on the Sasquatch Mom YouTube channel.