Mysterious Voice Encounter in Austin Park: A Paranormal Tale
Posted Saturday, July 13, 2024
By staff
A hiker recently shared a chilling encounter they had while hiking with their children in a metropolitan park in Austin, Texas. The family heard a female voice under one of the bridges they crossed, saying "hi my dear come over here" in what the hiker described as a robotic tone. Despite not seeing anyone around, they heard the voice again a few seconds later. The experience has left the family feeling spooked, and the hiker can't help but wonder if it was a supernatural being or simply a vagrant camping out in the park.
The hiker also shared a personal experience of receiving a message from their mother's account a year after she passed away. The message simply said the hiker's name, and while it could have been a hacker, the hiker can't shake the feeling that it was somehow their mother trying to communicate with them.
In addition to these personal experiences, the hiker also shared a story from their parents about a tall man with wings they saw while driving through Mount Charleston, Nevada. The family described the man as having broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs, and a face that was not human. The hiker is interested in hearing from others who may have had similar experiences with this creature.
I am always intrigued by stories of mysterious creatures and unexplained phenomena. While we may not have definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot or other cryptids, stories like these keep the mystery alive and fuel our curiosity.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their own experiences and thoughts on these stories. Who knows, your story could be the next one we feature on our website.
Excitement level: 6/10. The story of the hiker's encounter in the park is particularly intriguing, and I'm excited to hear from other readers about their own experiences with mysterious voices or creatures. The story of the hiker's mother's message is also touching and adds a personal touch to the article. Overall, the video is a great addition to the world of Bigfoot and cryptid research.