Woman experienced "fight or flight response" during Bigfoot encounter, chose neither

Posted Tuesday, January 28, 2020

By Squatchable.com staff

The other morning I was letting our dogs out to go to the bathroom. It was quite early in the morning and the sun was just coming over the mountain. I opened the back door and let the dogs do their morning business. About 50 feet from our back door was a large hairy man like being. The dogs saw it as well and came running back into the house. I stood still on the stairs watching it. I think I was in shock by what I saw. The animal then turned and looked right at me and let out this scream/holler. It was the most frightening thing I have ever encountered. The yell struck every nerve in my body. I was so scared that it instantly made me cry. I felt like I was getting this fight or flight response. Never have I been this scared in the woods. We get to see many different animals here in Montana but nothing like this. The animal was about 7-8 feet tall, and had brownish black hair covering its body. The hair was probably about 4-6 inches long. I would guess that it had to weigh 500+ pounds. When it let out that yell/scream at me. I got the feeling that it was angry that I saw it. The face was like that of an ape but with very human features. I stood frozen to the stairs as it moved off down the hill. The experience probably lasted only a couple of minutes. It walked on two legs and was no bear! Never have I been so scared by something in the woods that I have cried. I have come face to face with bear and elk and mountain lion. I was scared in those situations too, but not like this. When it let out that yell/scream was what really touched a fear in me. I don't know that I am able to do justice to be able to tell you the way I felt at that moment. via (Link: bfro.net)