Wisconsin Hunters' Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in Bernett County

Posted Monday, July 08, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In this week's roundup of intriguing videos, we've come across some truly captivating accounts of unexplained creatures. From the woods of Wisconsin to the coast of California, people are sharing their encounters with strange beings that challenge our understanding of the world around us. First up, a chilling tale from a hunter in Bernett County, Wisconsin. Tim and his father were hunting on family land, taking turns using an ATV to navigate the hilly terrain. As they made their way back to the hunting shack, Tim heard unusual noises behind him, as if someone or something was mimicking his footsteps. When he turned around, he saw a pale, human-like face peeking out from behind a tree. The creature continued to follow them, eventually revealing its small, malformed body before disappearing back into the woods. Tim and his father left the area, shaken by the encounter. Next, we have a report from Aces, Iowa, where a witness experienced a close encounter with a reptilian humanoid. The witness was awakened by a loud pop, similar to a firecracker, and soon noticed a shadowy figure standing next to their bed. The figure appeared to be taking notes on a clipboard, with round, cartoonish eyes and a beak-like nose. The witness described the being as having a reptilian appearance, with scales covering its skin and a smallish build. The apparition vanished after a few seconds, leaving the witness with a vivid memory of the encounter. In Northern Central California, a couple's road trip took an unexpected turn when they spotted a massive creature in the sky. The witnesses described the creature as having a wingspan of at least 20 feet, with leathery wings and a body unlike any bird they had ever seen. The couple was certain they had witnessed a pterodactyl or terrasaur, a sighting that left them questioning the boundaries of reality. Our next story comes from the Sierra Nevada range, where a hiker encountered a massive praying mantis while backpacking. The creature stood at least 5 feet tall, with an abdomen curved at an extreme angle, allowing it to maintain eye contact with the witness. The mantis appeared to be observing the hiker, even grabbing a piece of food before flying away. The encounter left the witness feeling nauseous and with a lingering sense of unease. Lastly, we have a series of strange events in northeastern Pennsylvania. A hunter reported seeing a massive black panther-like creature, while a horse owner found her stallion with puncture wounds and claw marks, rumored to be the work of a large predator. A family member also witnessed a massive black dog on their property, which vanished as suddenly as it appeared. These captivating stories remind us that the world is full of mysteries and unexplained phenomena. We encourage our readers to watch the full videos and share their thoughts on these fascinating encounters. Remember, we're all in this journey together, seeking to understand the unknown and appreciate the beauty of our world.