Oregon Resident's Encounter with a Mysterious Creature: A Real-Life Bigfoot Story

Posted Monday, July 08, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A chilling account of an encounter with a mysterious creature has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't help but share it with our community. The video, posted by the YouTube channel red owl, tells the story of Kaden Axton, a man who lived in the backwoods of Oregon and had always considered himself a skeptic when it came to the paranormal. Kaden's life took a turn one fateful day in 2018 when he returned home to find his cabin ransacked. As he searched for the intruder, he heard strange noises outside and soon found himself face to face with a creature unlike anything he had ever seen before. The creature was tall, with long gangly limbs covered in matted fur, and it moved in an almost unnatural way. Kaden described it as having a twisted, almost ape-like face, and its eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. The creature attacked Kaden, but he managed to fend it off and it fled back into the woods. Kaden called the sheriff, who arrived and found strange tracks outside the cabin. The tracks were huge and unlike anything the sheriff had ever seen before. Kaden and the sheriff followed the tracks as far as they could, but they eventually disappeared into the thick underbrush. The sheriff took some photos and notes but told Kaden that whatever this thing was, it was not something they were equipped to handle. Kaden spent the rest of the day repairing the damage to his cabin and trying to make sense of what had happened. He couldn't shake the feeling that the creature would return. Sure enough, the creature came back the following night, and Kaden was ready for it. He had set up makeshift barricades and traps around the yard, and when the creature appeared, he called out to it, telling it to leave. But the creature kept coming, crashing through the barricades like they were nothing. Kaden fired his shotgun, but it barely slowed the creature down. It charged at him, and Kaden knew he was in trouble. Just as the creature reached him, there was a loud bang from outside, and the creature hesitated. Kaden took his chance and dove out of the way. Another bang, and this time the creature let out a pained howl. Kaden looked up to see Deputy Harrison standing in the doorway, rifle in hand. Harrison fired one last shot, and the creature collapsed, thrashing on the floor. It let out one final pitiful moan and then went still. Harrison and Kaden spent the next few hours examining the creature up close. It was even more bizarre than they had thought, with a mix of human and animal features. Harrison took more photos and samples, but they both knew it was unlikely anyone would believe them. In the end, they decided to bury the creature deep in the woods. Kaden still lives in the cabin and enjoys the solitude, but he's always prepared, always vigilant. Every now and then, when the night is particularly quiet and the moon casts its eerie glow, he finds himself looking out into the woods, wondering if there's something else out there. This video is a fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter, and it's definitely worth a watch. While we can't confirm the validity of Kaden's story, it's a chilling reminder of the mysterious creatures that may still be out there, waiting to be discovered. As Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers, it's our job to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have our own encounter with a creature like the one Kaden described. Until then, we'll keep searching and investigating, hoping to uncover the truth about Bigfoot.