Crypto Zoologists Uncover Exciting Bigfoot Footprint in Vermont: Join the Search!

Posted Monday, July 08, 2024

By staff

A new video has recently caught my attention and I couldn't wait to share it with all of you fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts! The video, posted by the YouTube channel keaton harper, features a self-proclaimed crypto zoologist named hgen Floren biten, who specializes in Squatch hunting. Throughout the video, hgen shares his knowledge and expertise on the subject, explaining the intricate and instinct-based process of tracking and hunting Bigfoot. He and his cameraman, Sten, are equipped with survival gear, climbing equipment, and even an air pump for their van tires. As they explore the Vermont wilderness, hgen and Sten come across some interesting clues that may indicate the presence of a Bigfoot in the area. They find a large footprint, which hgen estimates to be around 18 inches long, and discuss the possibility of a larger conspiracy at play. One of the most intriguing discoveries in the video is a pair of oversized chairs, which hgen believes were made for a Sasquatch. He suggests that this could mean there are humans in the area who welcome and even offer tribute to the Bigfoot. Despite their efforts, hgen and Sten do not have any success in finding the elusive Bigfoot during their time in the wilderness. However, they remain determined and vow to stay vigilant, even if it means spending the rest of their lives on the hunt. I don't know about you, but I found this video to be incredibly fascinating and it has definitely sparked my curiosity. I can't wait to see what hgen and Sten discover on their next Squatch hunting adventure! If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking out the video for yourself and forming your own opinions on the clues and theories presented. Who knows, it may even inspire you to do some Bigfoot hunting of your own!