George Burns' 1967 Bigfoot Encounter in Nagani, Oklahoma: Predating Noxy's 1976 Sightings

Posted Monday, July 08, 2024

By staff

The YouTube channel Unknown Bipedal Primate has recently shared a fascinating video about a series of Bigfoot sightings in Noxie, Oklahoma, that occurred between 1967 and 1975. The video, titled "OKLAHOMA, USA - The Noxie Monster (1967-1975)," delves into the history of Bigfoot encounters in the state and highlights a particular incident involving a man named George Burns. In 1967, George Burns was taking aerial photographs near Nagani, Oklahoma, when he noticed a figure in the woods. Believing it to be a farmer or hunter, Burns waved and called out for help. However, the figure ran into the woods, and Burns later spotted it again, this time standing just 10 yards away. Burns described the creature as a 7-foot-tall ape-like being with glowing green eyes, a large head, and massive arms. He also mentioned that the creature emitted a stale odor. What makes this encounter particularly intriguing is that Burns managed to take a photograph of the creature before it disappeared into the woods. Unfortunately, the photograph is not available in the records of the International Association for the Investigation of The Unexplained, which investigated the sighting. However, the detailed description of the creature and the fact that a photograph was taken make this account noteworthy. The video also discusses a rash of Bigfoot sightings in Noxie, Oklahoma, that took place in 1975. These sightings were reported in the March 1976 edition of Probe the Unknown magazine in an article titled "The Creature Takes a Holiday: Bigfoot-like Monster Takes a Shine to Noxie, Oklahoma and Spends Labor Day Weekend Terrorizing Its Residents." The article, written by Hayden C. Hughes, describes how the creature seemed to have taken a liking to the small community, with numerous sightings reported in a short period. One of the witnesses, Kenneth TSH, described the creature as being 7 to 8 feet tall, with hair all over its body, glowing eyes, and a bad odor. His wife, son, and brother also had encounters with the beast, further corroborating the sighting. Other residents of Noxie also reported seeing the creature, with some even claiming to have heard its high-pitched scream. The Noxie Monster sightings had a significant impact on the community, with some residents becoming frightened while others found the situation exciting. The presence of numerous National media representatives, Canadian, English, and Japanese newsmen, as well as Bigfoot research groups, added to the chaos. Hundreds of curiosity seekers wandered the area in search of the monster, making evidence gathering difficult for investigators. Despite the challenges, investigators from the International Association for the Investigation of The Unexplained and the Sasquatch Research Group of Independence, Missouri, attempted to gather evidence and interview witnesses. However, much of the physical evidence had been trampled by curiosity seekers and the news media by the time researchers arrived. The video serves as a reminder of the ongoing fascination with Bigfoot and the impact these sightings can have on communities. While no definitive evidence has been found to prove the existence of the Noxie Monster, the detailed accounts from witnesses and the photograph taken by George Burns make this a compelling case worth exploring further. As a researcher of Squatchable, I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts. Who knows, your own Bigfoot encounter might be featured in a future episode of Unknown Bipedal Primate!