Possible Bigfoot Sighting: Analyzing a Shocking Photo of a Sasquatch Structure

Posted Sunday, July 07, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video posted on YouTube by user J. Mayer has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "The Reality of Sasquatch in the Pacific North West," presents two photographs and some footage that the creator claims to have been holding on to for several years. The video aims to provide a different perspective on the topic of Sasquatch, which is often left in the realm of myth and legend. The first photograph in the video is taken in the north corner of the creator's property, which is located in a forested area that has been preserved for the last 50 to 60 years. The photograph was taken with an old iPhone 6 and has a zoom modifier on it. According to the creator, the photograph was taken in November 2019 while they were sitting at a fire pit with their sister. The creator claims to have seen a large pair of eyes peeking out from behind a tree, which they initially dismissed as a bear, owl, raccoon, or elk. However, the next morning, they noticed a snapped branch on one of the redwood trees, which led them to discover the structure that is now the subject of the photograph. The structure in the photograph is described as being associated with the Sasquatch phenomenon. The creator admits to feeling cautious and having alarm bells going off in their brain when they first saw the structure. However, upon reviewing the photograph years later, they noticed anomalies in the background that they had not seen before. The creator used Photoshop to enhance the contrast and sharpness of the photograph, which revealed two shapes in the background that are not uniform with the other objects in the scene. The second photograph in the video is taken from a different angle and shows the same structure, but with more clarity. The creator claims that the structure is not a tree stump or any other natural object, but rather a man-made structure that has been built by Sasquatch. The creator provides a detailed description of the structure, including its size, shape, and the materials used to build it. The footage in the video is taken in the same location as the photographs and shows the creator walking around the property and pointing out various features of the landscape. The creator claims to have heard strange noises and seen unusual footprints in the area, which they believe are evidence of Sasquatch activity. Overall, the video presents an interesting perspective on the topic of Sasquatch and provides some compelling evidence to support the creator's claims. While some may be skeptical, the video is sure to generate interest and discussion within the Bigfoot community. I encourage readers to watch the video and form their own opinions on the topic.