New Primate Discovery in Tanzania: A Giant Gibbon Perspective on Bigfoot

Posted Saturday, July 06, 2024

By staff

A new primate species was discovered in the 21st century, and it's an exciting find that has implications for Bigfoot and Sasquatch research. The YouTube channel Creation Cryptids recently discussed this topic in their podcast episode, and we're here to share the details with you. In December 2003, a new primate species was discovered in the forested highlands of Tanzania, Central Tanzania. The creature, called the Kapuni, is a member of the same family as baboons, drills, and mandrills. This discovery is significant because Tanzania is a fairly well-explored country, and the Kapuni was found in a Highlands area that is not particularly dark or mysterious. The Kapuni was initially doubted by scientists because the local tribe gave it both animal and mythological descriptions. However, two independent studies found the Kapuni to be real in late 2003 and early 2004. This discovery is relevant to Bigfoot and Sasquatch research because people often dismiss these creatures as mythological or not found in well-explored countries. The Kapuni discovery shows that new primates can still be found in explored countries, and it's possible that Bigfoot and Sasquatch could also exist. The Kapuni is not 8ft tall, but it is a large creature that was well-known to the local people. If Bigfoot and Sasquatch exist, they could be a giant terrestrial Gibbon that has adapted to bipedal locomotion and become omnivorous to sustain their large frame. The Creation Cryptids podcast episode is an exciting find for Bigfoot and Sasquatch believers. It's a reminder that new primates can still be discovered, and it's possible that Bigfoot and Sasquatch could also exist. We encourage our readers to watch the Creation Cryptids podcast episode and share their thoughts with us. Let's keep an open mind and continue to explore the possibility of Bigfoot and Sasquatch's existence.