Bigfoot Documentarian's Transformation: Hearing Vibrations and Finding Giant Footprints
Posted Thursday, July 04, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Codega's Codex of Curiosities has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "Where is Bigfoot? The Search for Sasquatch," host Ra interviews Jason Kenion, an animal photojournalist who has turned his skepticism of Bigfoot into a passion for documenting evidence of its existence.
Kenion's journey into the world of Sasquatch began during the COVID-19 lockdown when he found himself with nothing to do. After meeting with a witness who had an encounter with a Bigfoot, Kenion became intrigued and decided to document their story. This led him to the First Nations people in British Columbia, who shared their stories and beliefs about the Sasquatch people.
During his expeditions, Kenion has found hundreds of giant footprints, trees ripped out of the ground and turned upside down, and even what appears to be a migration path of the Sasquatch people from Alaska to California. He also shares a personal experience of hearing and feeling the presence of a Bigfoot while camping in a hammock during an expedition.
I found this video to be both informative and exciting. It's always interesting to hear about new evidence and experiences that support the existence of Bigfoot. Kenion's transformation from skeptic to believer adds to the intrigue and mystery surrounding this elusive creature.
I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out this video and share their thoughts. Who knows, it may even inspire some of you to embark on your own Bigfoot expedition!