Patrick from Squatch in the Wild: Mysterious Encounters and Camera Tips in Bigfoot Territory
Posted Thursday, July 04, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on the YouTube channel "Sasquatch And The Wild" has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. In the video, titled "Site A: Part 3 Walk Gently Into The Light," the channel's owner, Patrick, shares his experiences of being followed while exploring the woods.
Throughout the video, Patrick mentions seeing something moving on both sides of him, but when he turns to look, nothing is there. He also mentions hearing strange noises and finding structures that he believes could be made by Bigfoot.
I am always on the lookout for new and interesting Bigfoot-related content to share with our readers. And this video definitely fits the bill.
Patrick's experiences of being followed and hearing strange noises are not uncommon among Bigfoot enthusiasts. Many have reported similar experiences while out in the woods. And the structures that Patrick finds are also intriguing. They appear to be made from branches and other natural materials, and are located in areas that are difficult for humans to reach.
I am always excited to see new evidence and experiences that support the existence of these elusive creatures. And this video definitely delivers.
Patrick's experiences and the structures he finds are just a few examples of the many pieces of evidence that suggest Bigfoot may be real. And I am committed to sharing this evidence with our readers and keeping them up-to-date on the latest Bigfoot-related news and sightings.
I encourage all of our readers to check out the video for themselves and see what they think. And as always, if you have any Bigfoot sightings or experiences that you would like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you.
In the meantime, I will continue to watch and share videos like this one, as I believe that they are an important part of the ongoing search for the truth about Bigfoot.
Video can be found here:
Note: The video is 34 minutes long, but it is definitely worth watching in its entirety. Patrick's experiences and the structures he finds are fascinating, and they provide yet another piece of the puzzle in the ongoing search for Bigfoot.