Bigfoot Researcher Uncovers Interdimensional Links at Portland Fest

Posted Wednesday, July 03, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the Monsters Lounge Podcast, hosts Jenny and Ronnie LeBlanc take us on a journey through the Pacific Northwest, exploring the world of Bigfoot and beyond. The duo shares their experiences at the Oregon Bigfoot Festival and Beyond, as well as an interview with Ronnie himself. Ronnie LeBlanc, a well-known name in the Bigfoot community, has been professionally investigating and looking into Bigfoot sightings since 2010. His fascination with cryptozoology began as a child, and he has been passionate about uncovering hidden animals ever since. He shares his belief that Bigfoot may not only be an undiscovered primate but also an interdimensional or alien entity due to the high strangeness associated with many sightings and encounters. During the interview, Ronnie also discusses the possibility of multiple types of Bigfoot, including an "ancient" version that seems to have alien-like abilities and a more tamed-down version. He also touches on the connection between Bigfoot sightings, UFOs, orbs, and sacred or holy sites. One particularly intriguing story Ronnie shares is about mysterious structures appearing overnight at sacred stone sites in New England. These structures have left researchers and Native American tribes baffled, and they are still trying to determine who or what is placing them there. I found this video captivating and informative. The interview with Ronnie LeBlanc offers a unique perspective on Bigfoot and its potential otherworldly connections. I highly recommend watching the video for a deeper dive into the fascinating world of Bigfoot.