Paranormal Expert Chris Bartel's Encounter with Unexplained Phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch
Posted Wednesday, July 03, 2024
By staff
A few days ago, I stumbled upon an intriguing video from the YouTube channel Full Throttle Moto w/Kayla, Maddi, & D.J. The video features an interview with Chris Bartel, a former employee of Skinwalker Ranch and Area 51, who shares his experiences and insights on the phenomenon he encountered during his time there.
Chris, a U.S. Air Force brother, has a diverse background in protective services, law enforcement, security investigations, and spirituality. In the interview, he discusses his time at Skinwalker Ranch and how his experiences there led him to explore spiritual practices, which he believes increased his phenomenon experiences.
One of the most interesting points Chris made during the interview was that projecting negative energy or dark energy can result in a negative outcome, while positive energy leads to a positive outcome. He shared that some of his team members approached the ranch with a negative mindset and had negative experiences, while those who approached it with a more positive attitude had better outcomes.
Chris also mentioned that when he first arrived at Skinwalker Ranch, he initially wrote it off as a joke. However, after having a personal experience during his second week there, his perception changed. He emphasized the importance of connecting with the property on a deeper level, stating that if you invest your energy in a negative way, you will get a negative outcome.
Towards the end of the interview, Chris expressed his frustration about safety protocols at the ranch, specifically the fact that individuals were sometimes left alone for extended periods. He pointed out that this not only posed safety risks but also meant that there was no secondary witness to events, making it difficult to fact-check any stories that might emerge.
Overall, this interview with Chris Bartel offers valuable insights into the experiences of someone who has worked at both Skinwalker Ranch and Area 51. His stories and perspectives serve as a reminder of the importance of approaching such places and experiences with an open mind and a positive attitude. I highly recommend watching the full interview to gain a deeper understanding of Chris's experiences and the lessons he learned during his time at these intriguing locations.