Ex-Rescuer Reveals Sasquatch Encounters & Paranormal Hotspots in Columbia River Gorge
Posted Wednesday, July 03, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
The Columbia River Gorge is known for its stunning beauty and outdoor adventures, but it also holds a secret – it’s one of the most active paranormal hotspots in all of North America. A YouTube channel called Universal Secrets recently featured a guest named James Szubski, who shared his experiences and research on the mysterious phenomena of the Columbia River Gorge.
James Szubski is a former volunteer search and rescue EMT, wildland firefighter, and mountain guide. He and his wife own a store in the Columbia River Gorge and have been collecting paranormal reports from the community for over two and a half years. They now have over 350 reports, which include encounters with Sasquatch, UFO sightings, portals, and small humanoids.
Szubski believes that the unique electromagnetic environment of the Columbia River Gorge, formed by colossal geologic forces, is what makes it a hotspot for paranormal activity. The Gorge is a sea level passage through the Cascade Mountains, which are a huge mountain range extending from lower British Columbia to Northern California. The Gorge itself is 80 miles long and is bordered by Mount Adams, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Hood. The west side of the Gorge is a deep, brooding Pacific Northwest rainforest, while the east side is a dry, austere, and spiritual desert environment.
Szubski’s research spans a wide range of topics, including the legendary “click-attack ape cat” and encounters with Sasquatch. He and his team treat everyone who comes in with an unusual story with the utmost dignity and respect, asking intelligent follow-up questions and taking in the data to see where it goes.
I am always excited to come across new research and firsthand accounts of Sasquatch sightings. The