UK Park Ranger's Chilling Encounter with a Reddish-Rust Bigfoot Creature

Posted Wednesday, July 03, 2024

By staff

A park ranger in the UK has some harrowing tales to tell from their time spent in the woods. In a video posted to the YouTube channel Old Hillbilly Horror, the ranger shares their experiences with strange and frightening occurrences while on patrol. One of the ranger's stories takes place on a beautiful spring morning. As they walk along a trail, they hear the sounds of birds squawking loudly and flying away. The ranger stops and listens, noticing that the usual noise of wildlife has suddenly gone silent. They continue on, but can't shake the feeling that something is watching them. As they approach a gate leading to a denser area of the woods, the ranger notices a man walking behind them. The man seems to be staring at them, and when the ranger turns to look, he breaks into a sprint towards them. The ranger is able to hide behind a rock and the man stops, seemingly waiting for them. After a few minutes, the man walks away and the ranger continues on their patrol, shaken by the encounter. In another story, the ranger is driving home from work when they see a man standing on the side of the road. As they get closer, the man bolts into the woods, moving like a wild animal. The ranger is able to get a good look at the man, who appears to be around 6 feet tall and covered in reddish-rust colored fur. The ranger reports the incident to the Fish and Game office, but is met with skepticism. However, they insist on giving their phone number in case anyone else has a similar encounter. These stories, and others like them, serve as a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings when in the woods. You never know what kind of creatures you may encounter. If you're interested in hearing more of the ranger's tales, be sure to check out the video on Old Hillbilly Horror's YouTube channel.