Mysterious Wolf-like Creatures: Five Real-Life Encounters

Posted Tuesday, July 02, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Tattooed Biker Unexplained, five terrifying encounters with the Dogman, or cryptid canines, are shared. I was excited to come across this video and bring it to the attention of our fellow Bigfoot believers. The first encounter comes from a witness in eastern South Dakota, who had a chilling experience during a Blood Moon. While attempting to capture pictures of the lunar event, the witness heard rustling in the brush and soon found themselves face-to-face with a 6-foot-tall creature with a wolf-like face. The witness fired eight shots at the creature before it disappeared into a nearby cornfield. Local authorities dismissed the encounter as a bear sighting, but the witness remains unconvinced due to the unusual tracks found at the scene. Next, we hear from a witness in Stona County, Alberta, Canada, who believes they encountered a werewolf while driving home from work. The creature, which was the size of a bear, stood on two legs and moved towards the witness's vehicle before disappearing into the darkness. A third encounter comes from a witness in southwest Louisiana, who recounts their experiences with a "rugaru" or dogman creature that frequented their property. The witness would often see the creature sitting in a clearing, and after gathering the courage to approach it, discovered that it stood on two legs and stared directly at them before running away. A Pennsylvania witness shares their encounter with a large bipedal creature while exploring the woods during the Coronavirus shutdown. The witness and their friend heard the creature running towards them before diving into their car and speeding away. They later discovered a four-clawed toe print in the area, which was not consistent with a black bear. Lastly, a Wisconsin witness shares their encounter with a muscular, human-like creature while hunting with their family. The creature, which had a face like a human but smelled like a wet dog, ran on all fours and had black body hair covering its entire body. These encounters serve as a reminder that the world of Bigfoot and cryptids is vast and full of mysteries. I encourage all of our fellow Bigfoot believers to check out the full video on Tattooed Biker Unexplained's YouTube channel and share your thoughts with us here at Squatchable.