Man's Four Chilling Encounters with Mysterious Bigfoot on Texas Property
Posted Tuesday, July 02, 2024
By staff
A thrilling Bigfoot encounter story has recently been shared on the YouTube channel Mysteries Unknown, and it's definitely worth a watch for any Squatchable reader. The video, titled "Bigfoot Encounter Stories: Class A Encounter From Texas," features Tyler, who had not one, but four separate encounters with Sasquatch on a property in Fredericksburg, Texas.
Tyler's first encounter occurred when he was a junior in high school. He and some friends went out at night to hunt for pests that were bothering the deer feeders on the property. Despite putting out corn to attract animals, they didn't see anything all night. As they walked back to the house, they felt like they were being watched, and when they reached a thicket near a stock tank, the feeling became even stronger. Suddenly, they heard a loud crashing sound and something took off running. Tyler's instincts told him to make himself look big and loud, so he and his friends put music on their phones and walked towards the sound. When they shined their flashlights in the direction of the noise, something huge took off running.
Years later, Tyler and his now-wife were renting a spot on the same property. One night, they heard a strange sound that they couldn't identify. It was a loud, vibrating noise that seemed to be coming from an animal that was up off the ground, at least as tall as Tyler. The sound went on for half an hour before stopping, and the next night, they heard it again, along with an answering call in the distance. The two animals were communicating with each other, and Tyler could feel the vibrations in the air.
Tyler's other encounters with Sasquatch on the property are just as fascinating, and he shares them all in the video. If you're a Bigfoot believer, you won't want to miss this captivating story. Check out the video on Mysteries Unknown and let us know what you think in the comments below.