Hunter's Encounter with Mysterious Footprints and a Missing Hikers' Mystery

Posted Monday, July 01, 2024

By staff

A video posted to YouTube by the channel The Elite Online Hunters has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Terrifying BIGFOOT Encounter While DEER Hunting in Australia - Shocking Footage," features a group of hunters who claim to have had a close encounter with the elusive creature while hunting in Australia. In the video, the hunters can be heard discussing their experience and the possible involvement of Bigfoot in the disappearance of a fellow hunter named Jenkins. They mention finding footprints and hearing strange noises in the forest. I was intrigued by the video and the possibility of Bigfoot being spotted in Australia. The hunters' descriptions of the creature's size and behavior align with many other reported sightings. One of the hunters can be heard saying "I was just about to head up there, no I be don't go on your own, get out of here." This statement suggests that the hunters were aware of the potential dangers of the area and were urging caution. The video also features footage of the hunters tracking a deer and discussing their hunting techniques. The excitement in their voices is palpable as they discuss their close encounter with Bigfoot. I am always excited to see new footage and hear firsthand accounts of possible sightings. This video is no exception. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and decide for themselves if they believe the hunters' story. It's good to note that the video is not our own and we do not have any affiliation with the YouTube channel or the hunters in the video. However, I believe it is important to share and discuss all possible sightings and evidence of Bigfoot. Wrapping up, the video posted by The Elite Online Hunters is an intriguing addition to the many reported sightings of Bigfoot in Australia. The hunters' descriptions of the creature and the evidence they found are compelling and worth considering. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us.