Grandmother and Grandson's Chilling Sasquatch Encounter in Sawtooth Mountains

Posted Sunday, June 30, 2024

By staff

A thrilling firsthand account of a Sasquatch encounter in the Sawtooth Mountains has been shared on the YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch. The video, titled "Couple Encounter Sasquatch on Wolstrom Hollow in the Sawtooth Mountains," features a grandmother and her grandson who had a chilling experience while on a nature outing. The witnesses were exploring the area near Rock Creek Road, just south of the Hansen Ski Lodge, when they stumbled upon something truly extraordinary. The grandmother, who is a former law enforcement Deputy, recounted the disturbing encounter and shared that both she and her grandson think about it every day. As they drove towards the dam, the grandmother was overcome with an eerie, uneasy feeling. She described the area as usually teeming with bird and small animal noises, but on this day, it was eerily silent. When they parked and began hiking, they noticed elk prints and droppings, as well as an unusual smell. As they approached the meadow and beaver dam, the grandmother heard what she thought were people talking or mumbling. At the same time, her grandson saw something moving in the trees. The grandmother then heard sticks banging together or against rocks and noticed that her dog, which was on a leash, was acting very strangely. The grandson then described seeing a large, hairy creature with piercing yellow eyes, hunched over and much bigger than a bear. The creature looked right at him, causing the grandson to be unable to move or talk from fear. The witnesses were able to make it back to their truck and leave the area, but the encounter has stayed with them. The grandmother believes that they may have disturbed the Sasquatch while it was feeding on an elk or a deer. This encounter is a fascinating reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of Sasquatch. The witnesses' detailed account and the evidence they found, such as the large bedding area and bent aspen trees, suggest that they did indeed have a close encounter with a Sasquatch. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch YouTube channel. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!