Man made Bigfoot "smile" after getting "busted" for being on his property

Posted Friday, January 24, 2020

By staff

From witness: " Hi Guys, I am going on over thirty sightings/encounters in northern Wisconsin. I've had as many as 4 up to my cabin at a time. Last October I was hunting when I saw a big silver big foot. he was at least 9-10 feet high. I was less than 20 yards from him. Was funny, I think he almost smiled cuz he was soo busted. I just laughed. I walked to the trail he was on and couldn't believe how fast he disappeared. Two weeks later I was in my cabin and turned towards my sink when I saw one leaning down to peek in at me. Made my neck hair stand up. went to the window and all I saw was a gigantic shadow from the yard lite. WAS AWESOME. If you folks ever want to come up... yell." Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Rick R.: I have spoken to the witness on more than one occasion and find him to be a credible observer of activity on his property. The experiences he relates are detailed and numerous over time. In his report he references a night time observation where he "called in" 4 Bigfoots to his cabin, at dusk, by clacking 2 rocks together on his porch. They approached from the woods in a group, with the largest one getting angry, and screaming loudly at him, in what he described as "blood curdling and made the hair stand up on his neck". Two of them were within 20 yards, another 50 yards, and the last, 60 yards from him. He observed them for several minutes, until they dissipated back away from his property, into a ravine. via (Link: